Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Playing Tourist in NYC.

I was born and raised in the Northeast and now live in Southern California for 8 years. I'm often asked if I miss it. Yeah. I miss the people, the lifestyle, and mostly I miss my family. Do I miss the change of seasons? Hell no. I'm in NYC about 50% of the time for work. Truly living the bi-costal lifestyle. I see as much seasonal change as I need. And I'm always excited to come back to where it's sunny and 75 and steps from the warm sand and cool salt breeze.

Although I'm in NYC frequently, I never really get to see or experience the touristy stuff. I stay in nice hotels down in SoHo (I avoid Times Square like the Plague). So this year I made a promise to myself to see/do at least one touristy thing each trip. First up--the Statue of Liberty!

Considering I'm pretty into my Sicilian heritage and my Grandparents came to this country via Ellis Island, I myself find it fascinating I'm just now visiting here.

It was a cold overcast Wednesday morning in early April and the crown and torch just recently re-opened after extensive damage due to Hurricane Sandy. Many of the rooms at the museum are currently still closed and under renovations. Still, very cool experience. I sat for a long while in one of the rooms just imagining what it was like for my Grandparents to arrive here and go through the processing…oh to have been a fly on the wall in the 1920's...

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