Sunday, January 15, 2012

Meeting best-selling author Patricia Schultz

I brought my friend Amy and her boyfriend, Michael along with me to the 7th Annual Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show. This show, billed as "the ticket to discover authentic travel experiences, snap up the deals, win trips and giveaways, and be entertained and delighted" was a bit of a letdown.

I was hoping to connect with tourism board reps and agency reps but it seems that everyone working the booths were "volunteers" who were simply "collecting business cards"....oh well. (If I get one FAM out of it--so worth it!)

I did have an opportunity to meet and chat one-on-one with Patricia Schultz, best-selling author of “1,000 Places to See Before You Die.” I promised her that whatever page I opened to in her book, that is where I’d go! And she wants to hear about it.
Oh, and I even got a great workout in a giant hamster ball as I “walked on water.”

(Shout out to Amy for snapping my pic!)