Monday, April 21, 2014

Helicopter Ride. Check.

My first visit to Gateway Canyons was a few months ago in early December--right after they were hit with a massive snowstorm that dumped a foot plus of snow on the grounds. GC looks a bit different under all that white fluffy stuff! Now that the snow has melted, the red rocks really pop and it's a quite, peaceful place.

My day started off with my very first (and pretty sure my last) helicopter ride. GC has it's own helicopter and pilots, and they were all too eager to get me up in the air to show off the gorgeous  scenery. The views from the copter were stunning--from what I could see. I spent much of the 20 minute ride fiddling with the GoPro and trying not to vomit. I declined the offer to venture out further into Arches National Park at Moab. I'm good. Get this girl back on the ground...

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