Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Can we just stay in San Sebastian forever, please!

We definitely loved San Sebastian! Best idea for a day trip. We were both so excited that the San Sebastian International Film Festival was happening during our visit! The 50 minute bus ride was pleasant and easy. We wandered into a wine store called Luka's and was surprised to hear perfect English! Ben, a surfer from San Diego, poured us a few awesome wines and gave us the lay-of-the-land. I felt right at home in this seaside resort town. La Concha Beach is the place to sunbathe and the walking path along the waterfront allows for great views. A great place to stop for a beer by the water is a small bar called Akerbeltz. We enjoy the local brew, Estrella, and was invited to do shots with the bartender! We asked for the "local" liquor of orujo --they laughed at us and gave us tequila. The best pintxos ever were found at Ganbara. The restaurant is known for it's amazing dinners, but that would require us waiting until at least 9pm when restaurants open. (Note: our bus back to Bilbao was at 8pm. Needless to say, we missed it! We were able to get the very last bus back to Bilbao at 10pm, but would have stayed the night in a heart beat had we'd been able to find a hotel!)

Shopping in Bilboa

We've been in Spain for a few days now, and I haven't done a bit of shopping! I declared that today we are shopping! I'm in search of a cool spanish leather purse and that he should help me select:) He less than excitedly agreed. After visiting a few stores on The Ercilla Street (it's lined with shops!), I found "the" purse at Salvador Bachiller! I also snagged a sweater at the Spanish store,'s a light weight sweater in the "dippy egg orange" color. And in the end, the shopping day was a HUGE success, because we found a store called, Nice Things! where we bought little rabbit pins and started our secret bunny club:)

Churros con chocolato!

The hot chocolate in Spain is rather thick--almost like pudding. A great place to try this yummy dessert is Avemay Cafe.