Sunday, November 28, 2010

A lesson in Argan oil

Argan Oil ... apparently the wonder, cure-all drug. And it's one of the most popular thing to buy in Morocco. It's great for cleaning your hair, for cooking, and for massages. But where exactly does it come from? It comes from the argan tree. The nut has a seed, and the oil is pressed from this tiny little seed. The first pressing produces the oil for cosmetic use (I am told that my skin will look younger if I rub this all over me. Personally, I hoping for a massage from a cute boy with it!), the second pressing makes the oil for use as a shampoo, and the third pressing is for cooking/eating. The stuff is not cheap, either. But apparently more affordable here than in the states. And now, I'm off to experience an argan oil massage at Riad Fes. We'll see if this "liquid gold" lives up to it's name...

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