Monday, September 10, 2012

The Land of Wooden Shoes

Nine hours from LAX to AMS doesn't seem that far when you're on a six hour cross country flight a few times  each month.  KLM, while I 'm sure has better service than Delta, served terrible food. Not that airline food is  much discussed topic, the food on KLM plain sucked.

Upon landing, the first thing I bought (shocker!) was a Milka candy bar...the really large one.

Lunch (it was 1:30pm local time/5:30am PT) was a egg salad with smoked salmon and cucumber sandwich....when in Rome....

An obnoxious American man wearing a Big Lebowski orders two White Russians. He just told me he was brilliant--like Thomas Edison. And that come winter solstice the coast will be gone. C.R.A.Z.Y.

Off to catch that "city hopper" to CNG...

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